Osprey Hill Butchery
Osprey Hill Farm opened a sister business in August 2014 called Osprey Hill Butchery. This is a fixed processing facility in Acme, WA that specializes in broiler, turkey, and rabbit butcher. The facility is inspected and licensed under the WSDA and is open to the public.
2025 Butcher Season: May through November.
Days of operation: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Our available days are blocked out in the calendar below. We schedule commercial farmers in February & March, then we open the schedule up to the general public. Please view our availability before submitting a reservation request.
Full batch of 250 chickens or 75 Turkeys. This minimum does not have to be met by a single person.
Prior to processing, your animals should be:
Clean. If your birds are caked in mud, manure, and have a strong odor you probably don’t want to get too close, right? We don’t either.
“Plumbing” should be clear. The day before your appointment, feed birds in the morning as usual + FREE-FEED AMPLE AMOUNTS OF GRIT throughout the day—don’t skip this step, it’s critical. Remove all feed by 5pm and remember to provide water at all times.
Crated in poultry transport coops. No, it’s not ok to transport birds in cardboard boxes nor loose in the back of a truck. No one wants to pull a hamstring chasing escaped birds around. After dark, the evening before butcher, is the prime time to crate since your birds can’t see well in the dark and they’ll be relatively calm. Need crates? Ask us.
Absent from disease or illness. We reserve the right to turn away birds displaying signs of illness. In addition we will charge a fee to cover lost labor if we can’t process your birds due to observed illness. Our staff will still need to be paid for their anticipated work.
The above requirements are meant to prevent situations that make the job unnecessarily unpleasant and unhygienic. We reserve the right to impose a fine for failure to comply and the collected funds will be allocated to our dedicated staff. Thank you for your cooperation.
We Will
Butcher, dress, bag, weigh, and label your birds.
Compost offal, including giblets (heart, liver, neck, feet), unless you specify otherwise
Charge extra for very large animals. They are hard on our bodies, cause extra wear and tear on our equipment, and they take extra time to handle.
Turn away turkeys with a live weight of over 40#. This is the weight capacity of the bearings in our machinery.